
Targeting Audiences

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It's time for more engagement and fewer unsubscribers. Direct your email campaigns to a specific group of customers with Citrus' intuitive targeting system so your customers only receive emails that apply to them.

Ensure that your campaigns are not marked as spam and that your deliverability is upstanding by only sending relevant emails to your customer base. And no need to import contacts from external CRMs; target using your current Citrus customer base. Group customers based on events or specific membership - the possibilities are endless!

Learn more about how to best target your customers through Campaigns!

Targeting Campaign Audiences

Choosing which conditions to target:

Any: When you have more than one condition, setting the top condition to Any means that you are targeting contact that matches one condition, or the other, or both.


  • Attendees under 15
  • Attendees with an active membership (despite age)
  • Attendees under 15 who have an active membership

All: When you set the top condition to All, it means that you are targeting contacts that match both conditions


  • Attendees under 15 who have an active membership

Condition types:

There are many conditions to choose from. Here are some of the categories to access:

  • Events: Filter by which events they have attended and that they have registered for
  • Contacts: Target contacts based on address, if they have purchased your services, or whether they are connected accounts.
  • Attendees: Filter attendees by age, attendance, gender, and whether they are connected or archived
  • Memberships: Target your audience by membership status and by package.

Combine these condition types and narrow down your target audience.

Need help targeting your campaigns or have more questions about this feature? Feel free to book a time with expert advice. We are always happy to help!

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